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The Journal

I treat real people with real lives. So I write about real life and all the things I’ve learned through my own journey.

This is rarely the place to find “3 tips for boosting your immune system during cold season.”

Transform Your Life

Our minds may be romanced by words, but our body has one language, and it’s touch.

I recently invited a patient to explore the creation of BODY LOVE RITUALS to help her body “release” the weight it was “holding on to.”

What’s a body love ritual, you ask?

Any way that you can ritualize, or make sacred, the act of self-love.

The Weight of Resentment

Do you struggle with resentment? Do you feel stressed out by the endless requests from others? Do you feel hurt when others don't see or value you? Does someone always need something from you? Stress is a major contributor to weight gain & chronic disease, and...

Busting the Biggest Myth

Friend, it is time to bust the biggest myth about healthy eating. In fact, it may be this single idea standing between you and your goal line. What is this myth? That fruit is a healthy and necessary part of the human diet. In a nutshell, we must replace the idea that...