the desire dialogues

free online event to help you
light up your libido and rekindle your fire

with perspectives on:


sexual desire is an expression
of life force


A healthy body, with a healthy mind, in a healthy relationship will desire sex and intimacy.

But those three pillars represent a delicate balance. They may be impacted by:


apathy or depression

history of trauma
and more…

And if any one of those three pillars is off, libido is usually the first to fade, making it a classic “canary in the coal mine.”


In this solutions-oriented series, you will learn what diminished your desire and exactly how you can reclaim it.

april 21-25

words of wisdom from our guests

Sheri Winston - Women's Anatomy of Arousal

Passion is what connects us to all of life, and desire is our path to divine union…

Ecstasy is our birthright and the source of all existence… It is the deepest expression of the power of creation… Sex is the basic urge to merge.

Sheri Winston - Women's Anatomy of Arousal

Your individual sexuality is your small piece of that primal power – the vital, pulsing life force.

How you relate to that immense power has a pervasive impat on your life. You can repress your sexuality. You can go “repression light” and downplay it. Or, you can take the other road and celebrate it!

Sheri Winston - Women's Anatomy of Arousal

Your sexuality goes to the heart of who you are. All of your relationships, not just the actively sexual ones, grow from this root.

Lauie Handlers - Sex and Happiness

Is there anyone who hasn’t been burned by another person?
No. Life brings heartbreak.

I’m no longer afraid of having my heart broken.
I know that the more it breaks, the more it expands.

Lauie Handlers - Sex and Happiness

Whatever is taboo seems to hold the greatest potential turn on.

Lauie Handlers - Sex and Happiness

You’ll never please everyone, so you might as well please yourself.

Lauie Handlers - Sex and Happiness

Choose life over dealth, change over sameness, expansion over contrating.

Choose it, not once, but continually.


Om Rupani - Prerequisites to Ecstasy

If you are holding a field in which your partner’s self-expression is encouraged and supported and called forwar, you are an amzing lover and partner. Conversely, if you are holding a field in which your partner’s self-expression is stifled or threatened or punished, you are a crappy partner and you are stifling your partner’s soul journey.

There really isn’t that much wiggle room here.

Om Rupani - Prerequisites to Ecstasy

When in doubt, Forgive! It’s worth a decade of therapy…

The decluttering that forgiveness creates in our soul becomes a passage for Ecstasy.

GS Youngblood - The Masculine in Relationship

A woman can be a CEO, brain surgeon, successful business owner, or full-time mother and still deeply desire to let go, be led, and be emotionally and sexually penetrated by a conscious, grounded man… These women are in charge of so many things throughtout the day, they typically don’t want to coe home and have to be in charge of their relationship and sex life as well.

GS Youngblood - The Masculine in Relationship


You’re mine. I’m yours. And we’re both free!

GS Youngblood - The Masculine in Relationship

We’re not losing anything. We’re making space for Feminine Power. It only diminishes your power if you believe it is a zero-sum game.

Betty Martin - The Art of Receiving and Giving

One thing that became clear was that my sexuality belonged to me. The relaization was so sharp that it made me wonder what I had been thinking all those years before. As a woman of my generation, I had learned that my sexuality was always in response to someone else’s – someone else’s desire, somone else’s idea of what was sexy. But now it belonged to me.

I learned that we are each the source of our own eroticism, and we can bring it out to play if, when, how, and with whom we choose.

Betty Martin - The Art of Receiving and Giving

I learned a lot by simply asking, including how tender and vulnerable it is to ask for what we want, how much fear and doubt we have about receiving it, and mainly how out of practice we are.

Betty Martin - The Art of Receiving and Giving

I came to see that the crux of this kind of receiving was to distinguish between what we want and what we don’t mind. In order to do that, we have to learn that there is in fact something we want and that it matters.

meet the experts

dr. elena zinkov

Dr. Zinkov practices at the cutting edge of hormone therapy. She offers extensive insight into the relationship between hormones, mood, and desire.

dr. hillary lampers

Dr. Lampers is an expert in men’s health and brings insight into how societal and environmental influences impact men’s health and sexual desire.

dr. sam madiera

Dr. Madiera is an expert in men’s health and brings insights into the damage done by assuming all men have high sex drive and live in a state of sex-readiness.

dr. Lara briden

Dr. Briden brings insight into the impact of women’s reproductive hormones through the life cycle, from menarche to menopause. She also discusses the impact of hormonal birth control on desire.

G.S. Youngblood

Author of The Masculine in Relationship, GS brings insight into the ways masculine leadership expands feminine desire.

Om rupani

Author of “Prerequisites to Ecstasy,” Om offers insights into the use of the BDSM toolkit to improve a broad array of man-woman relating.

Dr. Stephen Snyder

Dr. Snyder is a relationship and sex therapist. He is the author of “Love Worth Making” and brings insight into navigating difficult and vulnerable conversations around sex.

Dr. Betty Martin

Author of “The Art of Receiving and Giving,” Betty shows us how exploring consent can open new worlds of pleasure and relating.

Jena laflamme

Author of Pleasurable Weight Loss, Jena talks to us about cultivating pleasure and increasing our pleasure ceiling.

Laurie Handlers

Author of “Sex and Happiness – It Gets Better with Age,” Laurie shares insight into the importance of nourishing sexual energy as we age.

bel dilorenzo

Author and creator of the Gohddess Method, Bel speaks to us about the lost ancient practice of Pompoir (aka vaginal gymnastics).

sheri winston

Author of Women’s Anatomy of Arousal

jessica addeo

Jessica brings over two decades of experience as an occupational therapist and nervous system coach to help us understand how to work with our nervous systems in opening to desire.

Marilee Sears

Shame-free Sexuality Coach, Marilee speaks with us about creating safe containers for sexual exploration and play.



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meet your host

Dawn Dalili, ND:  

What I have come to learn in over 15 years of practice is that your health is your WHOLE life and Aliveness is the point!

You cannot disregard any part of your life if you are to be a truly vibrant women, and that includes Sexual Desire, which I’ve seen too many women write off from their lives..

Please join me… because the world needs more vibrant women.