october 14-20

Hear from Experts in the most
exciting areas of health and wellness
in this free online event!

health is your whole life!


That’s why this virtual summit extends WAY beyond diet, nutrition, and exercise, bringing you the best in beauty, relationships & communication, empowered parenting, and pleasure & sensuality.


You cannot disregard any aspect of your life if you are to be a truly vibrant woman, and the world needs more vibrant women!


the experts
meet your host

Dawn Dalili, ND: 

In search of the pretty-skinny-happy formula, I went to Naturopathic Medical School, and then studied Eating Psychology, Transformational Coaching, Tantra & Sexuality, and Gender & Communication.

What I have come to learn in over 15 years of practice is that your health is your WHOLE life!

This summit brings you experts with a variety of backgrounds to support the idea that your path to wellness must be pleasurable in order to be sustainable, AND it must honor ALL of you.

You cannot disregard any part of your life if you are to be a truly vibrant women.

Please join me… because the world needs more vibrant women.

Enter your details below to register!