where it began

My love began on the soccer fields of New Orleans and quickly grew into an obsession with all things health, wellness, and sports.

After a number of injuries, I became set on a future as an orthopedic surgeon and considered no path but medicine for many years.

Without explanation, I became disillusioned with the prospect of a future dominated by a prescription pad and did an about face.

I spent my undergraduate years studying Economics and Math at Vanderbilt University.

the yoga years

After graduating from Vanderbilt, I moved to San Francisco and discovered my first passion…yoga.

My first motivation to explore the practice was recovery from a running injury, but I quickly fell in love and tossed my running shoes in the trash.

For years, I was on the mat for almost 2 hours a day, 5-7 days a week. Wanting to share this love, I did in-depth trainings and teacher certifications with some of the best in the world:

Nosara Yoga Institute
Dharma Mittra Yoga
Ana Forrest
Sean Corn, Off the Mat Into the World (including the OTM year of leadership training)

my formal studies


A few years later, having rekindled my love of medicine with the discovery of Naturopathic Medicine, I got my post-baccalaureate pre-med certificate from Mills College, and then moved to Arizona where I spent four years studying Naturopathic Medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Sonoran University).

when things got fun

In the years after graduating from medical school, the real work (and the real play) began.

As a newly minted doctor, I quickly learned that information alone does not motivate people to sustain change and started building a tool set that would allow my clients to follow through on the steps that lead to real results.

These trainings have included:
Transformational Coaching
Eating Psychology
NeuroLinguistic Programming
A Tantric Approach to Sex and Relationships
and just about every course that Alison Armstrong offers on gender, partnership and communication.