Transform Your Life

MAKING THE MUNDANE MAGICAL Recently, a patient mentioned that she was “holding on to weight.” This, in and of itself, is powerful language to explore. Subconsciously, she was communicating that her weight served a purpose, even if not consciously understood. She went...

The Weight of Resentment

Do you struggle with resentment? Do you feel stressed out by the endless requests from others? Do you feel hurt when others don’t see or value you? Does someone always need something from you? Stress is a major contributor to weight gain & chronic disease,...

A Pirate Looks at 40?

It’s October! That means… 1 – The #SeptemberSprint ends, and as promised, I’ll share my key takeaways. 2 – It’s time to celebrate the completion of another year, and the beginning of a new one.   Takeaways from the...

40 – the final countdown

In December of last year, as I was counting the days for the calendar to turn, it occurred to me…this year I’ll be 40. I don’t feel 40.   Though arguably, I have no idea what 40 is supposed to feel like. I guess it’s more than some part of me thinks that 40...